Brazil in Catalonia

Since 1995 we travel places of all kinds : celebrations, festivals, carnivals, theaters, casinos, stadiums, special events, historical sites, indoors or outdoors, in France and Europe.

Specialized in the artistic programming, we shall bring you, about is your demand, the best artists and the most unexpected …

Visual shows, artistic performances, musical groups will create the event with you at :
- Street theater
- Concerts
- Festivals
- Entertainment events
- Workshops (dance, music, stilt)

- After more than 1,200 performances, we offer a range of services and scenic ambulatories. Different disciplines in the service of multiple universes to better respond to the specific nature of your event.


Kalimbao à Agde fête le Brésil Kalimbao au Maratrail (marathon trans pyrénéen) Echassiers et danseuses brésiliennes Kalimbao aux Jeudis de Perpignan Kalimbao à la fete du TC Kalimbao au Martrail 2008 (marathon trans pyrénéen) Nature Vivante l'ange Beija Flor l'ange Beija Flor Gostosa, la pétasse sur échasses (pneumatiques) Les robots Dry Wall Les homs 2bou L'échassier gentleman et sa Dulcinée Tango en zancos

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